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Get to Know Us

High-Quality Safety Shoes and Work Boots

Work Boot Warehouse is dedicated to providing employers and employees with the work boots and shoes they need to create safe workplaces. Restaurants, grocery stores, warehouses, construction sites, and more all feature potential injury risks. A pair of durable and reliable work boots is critical to ensuring maximum safety. We have a wide selection of brands and boot types in our stores. We even offer a ShoeMobile service that delivers work-safe safety shoes directly to the job site. For work-safe boots in Southern California, there is no better resource.

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man at construction site

We Offer a Variety of Styles and Brands in Our Stores

We are proud to offer renowned brands like Wolverine®, Caterpillar®, and Irish Setter, among others. While our commitment to providing high-quality brands is essential, our dedication to delivering different kinds of variety is critical. For instance, we understand a pair of boots isn’t the right fit for everyone. If you are a server in a restaurant, you require a pair of slip-resistant shoes to navigate the kitchens safely, but a pair of brown work boots may not fit within the dress code. Skechers, New Balance, Reebok, Dansko, Genuine Grip all offer black shoes and boots that look like sneakers or fashion boots. We also offer hiking and motorcycle boots for recreational activities.

Impressive Customer Service Since 1972

Our family-owned and -operated company has delivered thousands of work boots and shoes to professionals since 1972. We have solidified our reputation for high-quality customer service over the years. We enthusiastically work to maintain that reputation, winning the 2017, 2018, 2019 and 2021 Gold Medal Service Awards. We have locations throughout Southern California, making Work Boot Warehouse one of the most accessible work boot retailers in the region. Visit our store today. One of our professional team members will size your feet and recommend a boot that fits comfortably and provides you with the protection and safety you require.

“Local Retailer Wins Gold Medal Service Award”

“Customer Service is the best way that independent shoe stores can win out over bigger stores and online competitors,” said Jennifer Ernst Beaudry, editor of Footwear Insight, a leading trade publication serving the footwear industry. “It’s also the best way stores can take care of their customers and build a loyal following.”

“Work Boot Warehouse” should be very proud of their achievement and prouder still to share it with their shoppers and their community,” Beaudry said. “We evaluated more than 120 stores and those that made the list represent the absolute best of those stores.”

Shop at Work Boot Warehouse

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